Be Safe| Be Vigilant| Be Prepared 2024

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A Note About The Author

La Onque (Lay on`kway) Chavette is a wife, mother, friend, author and cheerleader to many. She was born and raised in New Jersey and is proud to be Jersey Strong. She is an alumna of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in New Brunswick and is a trained Paralegal with 20 plus years of experience in both public and private law. She has specialized in litigation, elder law, public health law and family law, with a recent focus on Quality Improvement, Performance Management, Continuity of Operations Planning, and Active Shooter Response (ASR) training.
Having a love for creative writing, La Onque embarked on telling a didactic, fictional story in her debut novel, We Made Plans, which chronicles the lives of a group of friends, individually and collectively, and incorporates the harsh truths of #TheEvent into their story. Particularly, how devastating #TheEvent is to the families and how the fabric of their lives are forever changed. #THEEVENT
La Onque is also the host of the exciting, informative, podcast,
Sounding The Alarm: Be Safe| Be Vigilant| Be Prepared
AVAILABLE on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Sound Cloud, and Blog Talk Radio
Produced by Elite Conversations
Podcast Directory is now available at
La Onque is a dog mom who especially loves the Rottweiler, the Boxer, and the Cane Corso.
It's Here!
A Note from The Author...
Hi, It's La Onque.
I hope you all are healthy and well during this horrible Covid 19 pandemic. I'm so excited to share with you that my debut novel is now available online at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, amazon, and through your local bookstores. It's called We Made Plans and it is a powerful piece taken right out of today's headlines. It's riveting and real.
The pandemic cancelled many of our plans, including my east coast tour this past winter/spring. However, as I celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my debut novel, please help me celebrate with you!
I'm now booking for
Zoom Bookclubs,
Virtual Meetups ,and
Live author talks.
Please e-mail me at laonquechavette@gmail.com
To purchase an e-book, please go to amazon.com to purchase a paperback,
Just click this link and purchase it NOW.

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